Tuesday, March 13, 2012


And not the good kind, where I'm fortunate to live in a place where, if I wanted to, I could wear nail polish and a dress and high heels, and that would be okay.  (Not that I would.  I think heels are stupid.)

I'm talking about the bad kind, where after taking Ativan for only a week to help get to sleep, it pretty much no longer has any effect on me.

I suppose it's better than dependence, which is why I'm just giving up on it rather than starting to play the game of taking a little bit more.  I'm pretty determined to never get physically addicted to any drug.  That's one of the reasons I'm pretty against nicotine, except for maybe the occasional sheesha.  I used to even view caffeine as a serious drug, although I've moderated my attitude towards that a bit in recent years.  (Traveling to France will do that to you.)

I suppose it could be related to my ongoing digestive issues (which, sadly, continue to come and go), but I doubt it.

Not a huge deal, it's probably about time I started trying to just get to sleep normally anyway.  And if it just means that I have to take a mid afternoon nap some days, I can deal with that too.

1 comment:

Judy said...

As W. C. Fields once said, "The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep."