It's been a little while, and I'm sure some of you are wondering if I'm still feeling like I was in my previous post.
I indeed was, for a while. Having not been able to handle "real" yoga very well on my previous attempt, Thursday I went back to the somewhat lame yoga at the cancer center. And even that was kind of a challenge for me. As recently as Thursday night I was complaining about how sore and tired I was most of the time. We had been tentatively planning on going to Tahoe this past weekend, and on Thursday night I made an executive decision that we weren't going to go, and I was going to spend the weekend resting and recovering instead.
What a difference a couple of days makes. Friday I started to feel noticeably better, and by Saturday I was close to normal. Not exactly normal -- I still have a bit of a sore throat in the morning, but with a little soothing liquid (either kefir; or my latest discovery, aloe juice, which is kind of weird) it goes away. The biggest change is that my energy level is back.
While a million people may have headed into San Francisco this weekend for a temporal convergence of assorted events, I instead put my sudden burst of energy to productive use. Last week we had some repairs done on our backyard deck (mostly replacing wood that had rotted). I spent Saturday prepping the deck somewhat (sanding down the top surface), and building a little elevated platform for the plants that sit on the deck, so that they don't trap water on the deck. Just a small project, but I have to say it felt really good to be sawing wood and pounding nails and actually making something useful. Sunday and Monday I stained the deck.
I'm almost almost almost done. All that's left is a few surfaces that aren't very visible, and a set of moveable steps (for the hot tub) that don't necessarily have to be re-stained. Which leaves me with a bit of a quandary. Do I just declare victory and not do anything more, or do I open up a third gallon of stain for the few remaining surfaces. And do I let the fact that this stain is $50/gallon sway my decision.
So now I again am feeling sore, but in a good way, after a few days of good, honest work.
I suppose in retrospect we could have gone to Tahoe after all. Oh well, it's good to get the deck done before the rains start.
Also on the recovery front, my hair continues to grow back. I'm starting to look very much not bald. And I just noticed that body hair on my front and back is starting to return. My eyebrows also continue to fill in -- they had pretty much totally disappeard.
Hopefully I can be done with the house chores soon -- I'm eager to try getting back on my bike.
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