Well, he has for a little while now, but we finally caught a bit of it on camera.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Showering Dylan
Alice and Alicia hosted a baby shower for Dylan today, at Matt and Alice's house. Thank you to everyone who came out to meet Dylan, for the lovely food spread (especially featuring not-safe-for-pregnancy items), and for the wonderful gifts.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Anjali's Birthday
We went with Dylan last Sunday to the 1st birthday party of Anjali, who is Arnab and Alicia's daughter. There were lots of kids there, although none quite as young and tiny as Dylan. As we were getting ready to leave, Anjali took a bit of an interest in Dylan (and vice-versa).
We're hoping she'll be up for babysitting in a few months. ;)
We're hoping she'll be up for babysitting in a few months. ;)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Big Head Dylan
Dylan had his "1 month" doctor's appointment today, although it was actually on the 5 week anniversary of his birth. As we suspected, our previous concerns about weight gain are no longer an issue. Dylan has zoomed way past his birth weight and now tops the scales at 8lb. 8oz. Apparently his birth weight was only in the 7th percentile (which seems a bit surprising to me -- I thought the high 6's was fairly typical, and it's what both Lorien and I were), but now he's up to the 14th percentile. His length is somewhere in the low 30s percentile. But his head size is right around the 50th percentile. So basically we have a skinny, somewhat short baby, with an otherwise big head.

One month birthday
Saturday was Dylan's one month birthday. We had a busy day in celebration. We took him to the Kinetic Steamworks open house, which he pretty much slept through. Here he is with Rich in a snail, and with me on a steam powered tricycle.
Then we headed over to Alice and Matt's place for indian food. They just got two kittens, Ramekin and Juneau. Here's Ramekin investigating the little human kitten.
Then we headed over to Alice and Matt's place for indian food. They just got two kittens, Ramekin and Juneau. Here's Ramekin investigating the little human kitten.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Happy Places
Changing Dylan’s diaper was a struggle until we set up the super plush microfibre changing pad with a space heater to blow warm air over him. Now he relaxes as soon as we put him down. Here he is relaxing after a bath.
Here's Dylan in his living room bassinet being watched over by the elephant sent to him by Grandma Dorothy and Grandpa Eli.
Dose of Dylan
Sorry, we’ve gotten behind on blogging. Here’s a pic to whet your appetite from week 3. No worries, we don’t cosleep, but it’s nice to bring Dylan into the grown up bed for morning cuddles. Selena is a fan.
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Little monkey
The heat arrived, and Dylan developed a little case of baby acne. The heat has subsided, and the acne seems to be diminishing as well. Or maybe it's all just hormonal; I hear that's a possibility.
Here's Dylan in a little monkey suit. Well, not really a full blown monkey suit, although we do have one of those too. It seems that monkeys are "in" -- an unusually high percentage of the clothing we have seems to have some sort of monkey theme. I guess that's okay, I don't have a problem with monkeys. I can think of worse things to be "in".
Trying the newer editor in blogger. I wouldn't say it's necessarily that much better than the older editor, just that it sucks in different ways. Oh well.

Trying the newer editor in blogger. I wouldn't say it's necessarily that much better than the older editor, just that it sucks in different ways. Oh well.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Since Dylan is an October baby, Halloween was his first holiday.
Our Halloween pumpkins this year reflected our newly expanded family, with Daddy, Mommy, and baby pumpkins. (As opposed to the ridiculously old Halloween pumpkin family pics still up at http://richandlorien.org/ -- we ought to change that...)
The Daddy pumpkin was big enough (30#) and Dylan is small enough (~7#), that we were able to subject Dylan to the minor indignity of some in-pumpkin photography. He took it in stride. (Better than the passport photo sessions.) We got some nice ones out of it, and the cute pumpkin hat helped.

Our Halloween pumpkins this year reflected our newly expanded family, with Daddy, Mommy, and baby pumpkins. (As opposed to the ridiculously old Halloween pumpkin family pics still up at http://richandlorien.org/ -- we ought to change that...)
The Daddy pumpkin was big enough (30#) and Dylan is small enough (~7#), that we were able to subject Dylan to the minor indignity of some in-pumpkin photography. He took it in stride. (Better than the passport photo sessions.) We got some nice ones out of it, and the cute pumpkin hat helped.

At night, after lighting our pumpkins, we dressed Dylan in his pumpkin shirt (thanks Alice and Matt!) and took him out for a tiny bit of trick or treating. Mostly it was just showing him off to the nearby neighbors. In light of Lorien's central role for Dylan's food supply, she got to keep the candy collected.

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