As Lorien mentioned, we finally made it out of the city to Bako National Park today. We took a motorbike to get to the boat, which wasn't too bad. Once you get off of the Kuching city map, mostly just go straight, although there's one right turn. I don't know how to describe it any better than to say if you find yourself in an industrial park, the last intersection that you passed through is where you ought to have turned right. If in doubt, ask directions. One guy we asked was wearing an Ameoba shirt (Ameoba is a record store in SF, Berkeley, and LA) which was somewhat surprising. Once you get near the ferry, things are actually signed. And within the park things are signed remarkably well, which is a nice change.

There's supposed to be a bunch of wildlife within the park. We went on a bit of a long hike (which was quite a nice hike) and didn't see too much along that hike, which was minorly disappointing. But the good news is that there's a bunch of wildlife that you can practically just sit on your butt in the park headquarters and observe, and they're clearly not afraid of humans. Here are a few pictures (out of the absurd number that I snap snap snapped away) of Macaque monkeys (according to Lorien, at least, which confuses me a bit because I thought that what was supposed to be in the park was Probiscous monkeys) that we passed by, along with a few other shots from the park.

It's getting late and we have to pack to get up early tomorrow, so I don't have time to say too much more now. Hopefully we'll be able to post a bit from the islands, but we really don't know.

1 comment:
I've enjoyed reading about all the details of your trip and seeing the pictures that you posted. Enjoy the rest of your trip, and I'll keep reading about it.
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