Sunday, February 19, 2012

16-month stats

Dylan had his 16-month well check on Thursday.  To our amazement, he's not such a little guy any more.  He weighed 22lb 4oz (34th%ile), is 32 inches long (64th%ile) and his head circumference is 49cm (93rd%ile). 

In other Dylan news, he's now walking like a champ (he started at the end of December), and is working on tooth #16, a particularly recalcitrant molar.  He's also learning new words all the time, although it's often difficult to understand what he's trying to say.

Here's a pic from a couple of weeks ago on a hike up in Tilden Regional Park, where he did some of his own hiking for the first time.


Grandmama said...

Yay! A new picture!!! And he's sooo cute!

Grandmom Dorothy said...

What an adorable hiker!

Anonymous said...

So friggin' cute!! Go, big boy, Dylan!!! Can't wait to see him (and you guys) soon!

kai_wahine said...

he is darn cute! he's really grown since last I saw him.