Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's the tooth!

I was wondering why little Mister Congeniality had morphed into little Mister Crankypants over the last week. I assumed it was a growth spurt. We figured he wouldn't cut his fist tooth until approximately 1 year, like I did. However, lo and behold, there's the first little chomper peeking up in the front right-hand spot on his bottom jaw. I'll miss my little guy's toothless smile.

By the way, if anyone posts "you can't handle the tooth", or similar, in the comments, I will unfriend you on Facebook. 


Anonymous said...

Haha...awww the little guy is growing up SO fast.

Grandmama said...

Darn, I already used that "handle the tooth" joke back when I visited the oral surgeon. I just hope Dylan handles the--ahem--better than did his Uncle David.

Dorothy said...

This is about the same age that Dylan's Dad got his first tooth. Now he will really be able to eat.

Grandmom Dorothy

Anne said...

Awww...Carson is still toothless. We're guessing by 7 months he'll have one since that's when both Steve and I popped our first tooth.