Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Never thought I'd say this...

...but thank goodness the fog is rolling in. The temperature hit 95 degrees (about 35C for all you who don't deal in Fahrenheit) yesterday, and all I could do was hide inside and drink cold water. I will not complain about how cold this summer has been any more, I swear.


Toronto Mom said...

Aha, so now you know how I felt, August Baby. :-)

Dorothy said...

Also August baby and 6 weeks after moving into new house. Can sympathize.

Toronto Mom said...

Wow, Dorothy, you had a baby in the heat of summer AND you had just moved into a new house? I sure hope the house was air-conditioned!

Dorothy said...

And a 5 year old son and a 17 month old son. No air for the first two weeks and then had it installed.

Toronto Mom said...

LOL! Dorothy, I had it easy in my bought-one-year-earlier air-conditioned home, so my story is much tamer!