Then we took the bus from Kiryat Gat to Jerusalem. One word of advice -- taking full backpacks on a crowded local public bus is pretty stupid. We should've just taken a cab.
We're staying in the old city just inside the Jaffa gate. It's magnificent here. We met up with Lorien's parents for dinner. We were pretty tired and considering heading straight to bed, but we couldn't resist a little peek around the old city first. Wow. It's pretty spectacular at night. Most shops and restaurants are closed, and the streets are fairly empty. And while I'm sure I'll appreciate the hustle and bustle of the daytime, the beauty of the streets at night is something that I'm certainly glad we chose to experience. And it's all so compact. Without realizing it, we had made it all the way to the Western Wall.
And the cats come out to roam at night. Another bonus.
Way too tired now to write much more, but I felt like I just had to post a few of these pictures.
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