We've been keeping busy since we've been back, although I have been a bit neglectful in posting. Sorry about that, I'll try to keep up with things a bit more.
Shortly after returning from honeymoon, Lorien got her EIT results. This is the Engineer in Training exam, a grueling 8 hour exam (14 hours if you count the ordeal from door to door) that Lorien wasn't too keen on having to repeat. And the good news is that she passed!

Lorien has been lately keeping busy writing her dissertation, which she hopes to finish up in the not too distant future, and have a little time off before she starts work at Carollo, an Engineering consultant firm in Walnut Creek, sometime this fall.
And I've settled back into the work routine, which wasn't nearly as difficult to adjust to as it was after the last time we went traveling. I'm currently working on a cell phone application of turn by turn driving instructions.

And we've both been enjoying the beautiful weather that we've been having here this summer. Maybe it was partially a month in the tropics that helped us adjust, although being by the coast probably helped too, but we enjoyed the warm weather of a few weeks past. It was comfortably warm here, not quite the sweltering heat wave seen in some further inland parts of California. We just got a wee bit into the low 90s F, not into the 100s, 110s, and 120s F.

One of the places that we suggested on our page of
Local points of interest and things to do from the wedding web site was the Albany Bulb. I'm pleased that a few people actually took us up on the suggestion and went there. I'm a bit ashamed, howeverk, to admit in retrospect that although it's a place I had been meaning to visit for a long time, I had never actually been there personally, I had just heard a lot about it. (Lorien had been a few times.) Anyway, one of these past weekends we went for a walk there, and that's where these pictures are from. I call the last one "My heart between a diamond and a spade."