Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The end of an era

Yesterday was day 7 of week 3 of cycle 8.

Today was ... not.  It was just today.  Wednesday, August 15.

After 168 days of counting time by chemo cycles, it's nice to have a little return to normalcy.

But I'm not sure if I'm ready to quite declare this anything as momentous as the first day of the rest of my life.  There's still likely radiation.  And I think it will probably be a while before my body fully rids itself of the toxins from chemo.  And I'm still dealing with various lingering effects from medications even though I am now completely prescription drug free.

One of those is sleep.  I slept fairly well on Monday night, but Tuesday night was once again pretty sucky.  So I've been pretty exhausted all day today.  We had planned some celebrating -- opening another nice bottle of wine for dinner; and continuing the tradition from chemo days of breakfast pastries at the Cheeseboard, but without me having to go to chemo afterwards -- but decided to put it all off instead.  That's okay, I'll eventually get over this, and there will be plenty of time for celebrating later.  I hope I'm reasonably well rested by the weekend, as I'm planning on seeing Phish on Friday and Sunday nights in San Francisco.

Given my exhaustion, I ought to get to bed at a reasonable hour, so that's it for this post.


Vive said...

It sounds like the doctor just wanted to announce that "he" had cured you and was resistant to any interrogation that would call his narrative into question. Why are doctors such incredible egomaniacs??

In any case, we are so thrilled by your great news, even if it was delivered by a jerk.

Love, Neal and Vive

Scott S said...

Yay! What wonderful news! And yes, the messenger sounds like he leaves something to be desired...but the news is good!